
Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope you all have a fabulous turkey day filled with whatever traditions make it yours!
Happy cooking, happier baking, happiest eating!


Exciting News!

Yep, that's right my amazing husband and I are moving to Texas! You know a few months ago when I was talking about looking for a real job? Well what I mean is, I will finally be done with "training" to be a doctor on June 30th 2012, woohoo! So what lies after residency? A real job, with real hours-well real doctor hours which is a whole lot better than the crazy person hours I am working right now, and the best part...a real life! I am so thrilled to be almost done, and finally after an 8+ year journey, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! So where are we off to you ask? San Antonio! I am looking so forward to our new venture and although we will be leaving family (which was the HARDEST part in this whole decision) and friends behind, I just know that we will meet many new friends in our future and have LOTS of family and friends in for visits!


A week or so ago, I had a request for some baby shower cookie favors. Generally when I do a party theme, I am usually asked to do something that matches the invitation or decorations etc. This time I was actually asked to do a cookie I had done almost 2 years ago! I thought, hmmm...how am I going to do that cookie similar to the original, because that was obviously what the client wanted, but different enough to make it look like it is not truly the same cookie. So here is what I came up with. Hard to tell, but I put little pacifiers on instead of a mouth :)


The Classic: Apple Pie {Tutorial}

Yeah, yeah...I hear ya, it has been quite some time since I last shared a recipe much less a tutorial! Well, never fear, you have got one here. I have been on a quest to find the perfect apple pie since, oh I don't know, the year I met my husband! He is a big time apple pie fan and his mom makes a stellar one that he always starts to crave right around the beginning of fall (yes people we do get fall here in Los Angeles). So me being the baker wife, I am always trying to reinvent the wheel, you know how it is! So I get these extravagant recipes and tweak them all sorts of ways to make a gourmet apple pie when you know what...he just wants a classic apple pie! Come on Linzy, just keep it simple and make a classic! I use third person purely for effect, lol! So anyway, my quest is a pretty slow one because I bake one every fall, but then we get our craving filled, I get frustrated because it wasn't what I envisioned and then I'm over it til the next year. So it is a slow quest for the perfect apple pie!


Happy Halloween!

Hope you all had a safe & happy Halloween filled with lots of sugar! 
Here is a drive-by of all of the Halloween treats I squeezed in!
Happy baking...happier eating!
spider web lolli
Mr. Bat lolli
Mummy lolli
Jack lolli
chocolate cupcakes with buttercream ghosts...booooooo!
creepy spiders on cupcakes (bad picture!)