

{Sorry all, the pictures on this post have been lost except two...}
Tis' the season to be engaged! I remember when I got engaged like it was yesterday, totally kidding...I am not that old, it was only 2 years ago. But still...getting engaged is one of those things that etches not only a vision in your mind but also a smell, taste, touch, and overall feeling within you that will always warm you when you think about it. For me, the vision-multi-colored sky grasping onto the sun before the night, the smell-sweet salt from the ocean breeze, the taste-Cakebread sweet white wine and seafood, and the overall feeling-obscenely magical! The only thing better...the wedding day!
So why you ask am I so excited, because two (which I guess means four) very special people in my life are engaged and getting married within the next year, yippee! I already posted the pics I made for my sis's engagement back in August. These lovely cookies I made in this post are for my oldest, bestest friend Crystal who is recently engaged to her "high school crush, who became her boyfriend, who is now her fiance, and will soon be her husband." :) 

Well I hope you are all recovering after many food comas associated with Thanksgiving. 
Happy Baking...Happier Eating!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to you and your friends! The cookies are perfect, as usual! I see ribbon roses!!! Great job!


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