Yeah, yeah...I hear ya, it has been quite some time since I last shared a recipe much less a tutorial! Well, never fear, you have got one here. I have been on a quest to find the perfect apple pie since, oh I don't know, the year I met my husband! He is a big time apple pie fan and his mom makes a stellar one that he always starts to crave right around the beginning of fall (yes people we do get fall here in Los Angeles). So me being the baker wife, I am always trying to reinvent the wheel, you know how it is! So I get these extravagant recipes and tweak them all sorts of ways to make a gourmet apple pie when you know what...he just wants a classic apple pie! Come on Linzy, just keep it simple and make a classic! I use third person purely for effect, lol! So anyway, my quest is a pretty slow one because I bake one every fall, but then we get our craving filled, I get frustrated because it wasn't what I envisioned and then I'm over it til the next year. So it is a slow quest for the perfect apple pie!