So what have I been doing the last year...well living of course! A lot of living with so many fun memories to look back on. Y'all know we moved to Texas, which we love! I passed all of my grueling board exams so now I don't have any tests for 7 years...can you believe it, 7 years?!? This is the first time since birth that I have not had a huge test every year...okay a little exaggeratory but you get the point! I now have a beautiful nephew whom I love and adore beyond words! I got to visit the beautiful state of Florida with my amazing hubbs...and speaking of...we are expecting our first little bambino in January! In addition to these highlights, I also made an occasional cookie or cake in my free time! So now for a brief preview of some of the stuff I worked on...
Christmas 2012:
Birthday Treats:

For those of you still with me, THANK YOU for sticking it out in my absence! I hope the other millions of talented bloggers have kept you entertained the past year! Be looking out for my gender reveal treats! We find out soon and I will be posting soon to share! Thank you for being here!